If It’s Okay Campaign Launched
A pair of newly published polls have revealed how people across the island of Ireland perceive mental illness. In response to figures highlighted by the research, Inspire has launched the If It’s Okay campaign, which focuses on the voices of individuals with lived...
New Analysis Highlights Importance of Workplace Wellbeing Support
A significant number of people juggling work and caring responsibilities are enduring mental health issues and financial pressures, according to Better Care Better Business, a new study by Ibec, Ireland’s largest business representative group. The research found that...
Inspire Attends ESB Mental Health First Aid Event
Workplace wellbeing was at the heart of ESB’s mental health first aid conference this week, with mental health first aiders from across the group’s national workforce convened in the tranquil surroundings of the Mullingar Park Hotel, County Westmeath. Inspire’s...