Resilience in exam season

Resilience in exam season

Even if you are well prepared for exams and assessments they can be stressors. Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity or significant sources of stress.  These tips can help you build resilience and reduce stress levels during exam and...
Beating the holiday blues

Beating the holiday blues

Summer can be an amazing time of the year: holidays, festivals, sunshine, free time – dream come true right? But sometimes a change in routine or separation from friends can make you feel more cloudy grey than sunny smiles. Cue our tips to help beat those holiday...
Taking the first step

Taking the first step

A simple way to move things forward from Frank Liddy, Inspire’s lead mindfulness practitioner. Great things often start from humble beginnings. You’ll have heard the saying ‘a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’. Well, my Zen...