Moving from Beating Yourself up to meeting up with yourself


"We all have a few mental habits that don’t contribute to happiness or well-lived lives. We can over think, under think, make up excuses, feed our paranoia, gather false evidence to bolster our irrationality, and fail to consider authentic evidence that contradicts our perspective.
We can dwell on and inflate the negative and literally worry ourselves sick. There are endless lists of thinking errors. If you want to make yourself miserable, you could diagnose yourself by doing an Internet search for your particular irrational ways of being. But for now, we hope you’ll put your brain to work on these Healthy Habits instead.
• What does the best version of you look like?
• What holds you back from becoming the best version of you?
• What would you be doing when you are the best version of you, that you are not doing now?
• How would others know this is the best version of you?
• What will it take for you to become the best version of you?

Key Words
Course Level
Knowledge & Skills
Aareness raising; Knowledge Transfer
Course Length
1-1.5 hours; online only

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