Handling Difficult Calls


"This training is important for anyone working in the telephony support / helpline field not only to keep practice sound but also to assist those working with callers to build self-awareness. The training will focus also on factors essential to building emotional resilience. Such factors will include: emotional regulation, impulse control and accurate empathy. This training provides an opportunity to discuss, share experiences and best practices in a constructive, open and confidential setting.

• Advanced listening practice
• Dealing with people in heightened emotional states such as anger, depression, bereavement and crisis states (such as using suicidal language) and building resilience.
• Dealing with manipulative or abusive callers in the context of your service
• Dealing with specific challenging issues; identifying the problems and finding solutions.
• Defining abusiveness in the context of your service and skills needed to handle abusive callers.
• Using assertiveness skills with callers to deliver difficult messages or keep to service boundaries.
• Dealing with stress and looking after yourself.


Course Level
Knowledge & Skills
Awareness-raising;Knowledge Transfer;Skills Development;Practical Application
Course Length
Half day;Full day

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